PostFinance Card Lotto
Previous draws
Have you missed any of the draws? You can check them all out here – it’s worth it. Because our two lottery presenters Ramin Yousofzai, known from SRF “Zwei am Morge”, and Nik Hartmann, producer, TV and radio presenter, draw the lottery numbers every month in a new, entertaining way like you’ve certainly never seen it done before.
January draw
In the sixth round of the lottery, our two presenters Nik and Ramin not only had a ball, but were pretty much bowled over by the oversized skittles game.

December draw
The fifth round was wild. Our two presenters Nik and Ramin were virtually unrecognisable in their dinosaur costumes. And as they took revenge on the asteroids, it rained lottery numbers.

November draw
In the fourth draw, Nik and Ramin were able to demonstrate their talent as excavator operators. They displayed a great deal of dexterity and pushed all the right buttons.

October draw
In the third round, our two presenters literally threw caution to the wind and even managed to defy the laws of gravity to draw the lucky numbers. Their first attempts at flight were quite fun to watch.

September draw
The second draw with Nik and Ramin was a very energetic affair. Charming as ever, our two presenters showed off their amazing gymnastic skills and battled their way to the lottery numbers.

August draw
The first draw was quite literally a wild ride: Nik and Ramin tried their hand at surfing and “tumbled” their way to the lottery numbers.